Archer Daniels Midland Makes Donation to Plant it Forward SC
South Carolina Department of Agriculture
Hugh E. Weathers, Commissioner
Media Contact: Stephanie Sox, 803-734-2196,
Archer Daniels Midland Makes Donation to Plant it Forward SC
COLUMBIA, S.C. – Archer Daniels Midland Company (ADM) donated $10,000 to Plant it Forward South Carolina, an initiative by South Carolina Advocates for Agriculture, on May 18, 2016.
Plant it Forward SC will provide relief funds specifically for covering a portion of seed costs for 2016, as well as hay losses livestock farmers suffered because of the flood. Total agricultural losses from October’s flooding are approaching $600 million.
“ADM strives to make a positive difference in the communities where we live and work, and we are especially focused on doing our part to help local farmers thrive, which is at the heart of everything we do at ADM,” said David Douglas, commercial manager at ADM’s soybean processing facility in Kershaw, South Carolina. “Plant It Forward SC is leading an important cause for the agricultural community here, and we are proud to provide our support and play a part.”
The donation was given through ADM Cares. ADM Cares is a social investment program that directs funds to initiatives and organizations that drive meaningful social, economic and environmental progress worldwide. The program comprises three distinct focus areas: supporting the responsible development of agriculture, improving the quality of life in ADM communities and fostering employee giving and volunteer activities.
“On behalf of South Carolina farmers, I cannot thank ADM enough for their generous donation to Plant it Forward SC. ADM is an integral part of the agribusiness industry and this donation shows their commitment to supporting farmers still recovering from last year’s flood,” said Agriculture Commissioner Hugh Weathers.
For more information on Plant it Forward SC, visit or contact Stefanie Kitchen at 803-734-2210.