Jackie Moore, Director

SC Agritourism Association Website  |  View Agritourism Farms

Agriculture is a vital part of our state’s economy. The industry impacts every citizen, and the South Carolina Department of Agriculture (SCDA) is always working to help more people connect with agriculture. Many farmers have joined the effort by diversifying their operations through agritourism.

Agritourism is agriculture based activities that bring people to farms, ranches or other agricultural settings. Some examples include u-pick operations, corn mazes, farm to table dinners, and on-the-farm restaurants with markets that sell locally made foods. SCDA recognizes the great value of agritourism and its potential to benefit farms of all sizes. If you have an agritourism component and would like SCDA help with marketing, please download our Agritourism Farm Profile and return via the options listed on the form. The survey will allow SCDA to establish a list of agritourism operations for statewide promotion and marketing.

SC Agritourism Association

Join the only association dedicated to promoting and marketing South Carolina Agritourism Farms! We seek to: Educate agritourism operations in an effort to create sustainable activities and attractions. Encourage the highest standards in hospitality and tourism initiatives. Facilitate economic growth by promoting and fostering increased agriculture-based tourism throughout South Carolina. Advocate proactively on behalf of Agritourism operations within state-level organizations.
Become a member today!

South Carolina 2025 Agritourism Passport Program

The South Carolina Agritourism Association’s Passport program for farms continues in 2025. Visit the participating farms and collect stamps to win Certified South Carolina items!

View a list of participating farms here. To learn more about each farm, view our farms listing.

SC Farm Hikes & Camping

Do you have walking/hiking trails or offer camping on your farm? SC Farm Hikes and SC Farm Camping are agritourism programs encouraging the public to hit the trail and camp on farms across the state. If your farm would like to join one or both of these programs, fill out the registration form(s) or contact jmoore@scda.sc.gov.


Farm Hikes Registration Form  |  Farm Camping Registration Form


TODS Program

The South Carolina General Assembly has approved legislation creating the Agritourism and Tourist Oriented Directional Signage Program, commonly referred to as the TODS program.

Tourist Oriented Directional SignageTODS is a program that allows tourism and agritourism-oriented facilities to have directional signing placed in the highway right-of-way. The program is a cooperative effort between the SC Department of Transportation (SCDOT), the SC Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism (SCPRT) and the SC Department of Agriculture (SCDA). Designed to promote agritourism and tourist-oriented facilities in rural areas, the program provides directional signing from the closest primary route, a designated SC or US route.

The SCDA and the SCPRT are responsible for promoting the program and screening businesses to ensure that they qualify to participate in the program. The screening process is referred to as “pre-approval.” Deadline for the Pre-approval Application submission is April 30.

SCDOT’s authorized agent, South Carolina Logos, Inc., is responsible for administering the program and fabricating and installing all program signs. Businesses must submit final applications to SCDOT after receiving pre-approval to participate in the program from the Department of Agriculture or Parks, Recreation and Tourism. The final application is to be reviewed and approved or rejected by the TODS program oversight committee as required by section 57-25-8 of the South Carolina Code of laws.