Jason Smith, Program Coordinator
P.O. Box 11280
Columbia, SC 29211
The Local Food Purchase Assistance (LFPA) Program is a federal grant program authorized by the American Rescue Plan. The purpose of this program is to maintain and improve food and agricultural supply chain resiliency by supporting local, socially disadvantaged producers through the purchase of South Carolina produced foods. In partnership with the Catawba Indian Nation, the South Carolina Department of Agriculture was awarded $6.1 million to purchase food from local, socially disadvantaged producers to distribute to underserved populations within our communities. In addition to increasing consumption of local, healthy, and culturally unique foods, this program will help build and expand economic opportunity for the socially disadvantaged producers of South Carolina.
Learn more about the Local Food Purchase Assistance program here.
As of January 1st, 2024, the LFPA program will not be able to use funds to purchase value-added products that do not meet the USDA’s definition of minimally processed.
- Producer Registration Form
- Aggregator Invoice Instructions
- Approved Aggregators List
- Partner Distributor Form — At this time, we have reached full capacity due to an increased volume of applicants.
- LFPA Program Flyer
- Daily Market Prices
Read the latest LFPA newsletter here.
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