1. How do I become a member of the Certified SC Grown program?
Membership in the Certified South Carolina Program is made by application to and acceptance by the South Carolina Department of Agriculture. All farm producers, food manufacturers, specialty food producers, packing facilities and others engaged in the production or manufacture of agricultural products in South Carolina are eligible to apply.
2. How do I order Certified SC stickers and signs?
All approved program members received an Order Form in their new member packets upon joining the Certified SC program. Additional copies of the Order Form may be requested from the Program Coordinator, Ansley Rast Turnblad, at aturnblad@scda.sc.gov or 803-734-2207.
3. How do I get my Roadside Market Certified?
The South Carolina Department of Agriculture’s Certified Roadside Market Program was established in 1972, the first official roadside market program in the state. It is a voluntary participation program designed to create, establish and improve the quality of roadside markets in South Carolina. Contact Jackie Moore at 803-734-2144 or jmoore@scda.sc.gov.
4. How do I order Certified SC apparel?
Certified SC apparel is sold at the SC State Farmers Market in the Administration Building. Requests may also be made to Program Coordinator Ansley Rast Turnblad at aturnblad@scda.sc.gov or 803-734-2207.
5. How do I become of member of the Fresh on the Menu program?
Membership in the Fresh on the Menu program is made by application to and acceptance by the South Carolina Department of Agriculture. Participating chefs agree to prepare menus that include at least 25% Certified South Carolina Grown foods and products in season and feature the Fresh on the Menu brand.
6. Where can I find a list of Certified SC Growers?
Here is a list of farms that participate in the Certified SC Grown program.
7. Can my farm use the Certified SC logo?
Click here for information on how to join the Certified SC Program.