1. What is the difference between the shed report and the terminal report?
A Shed Report is a report that includes prices of specialty crop commodities sold under the Sheds at the South Carolina State Farmers Market which include in-state (South Carolina) and out-of-state sheds. Prices are differentiated by the commodities origin of which it was grown, variety, size, package and grade. Here is the Shed Report.
Terminal Reports are reports on prices for which specialty crop commodities are sold at U.S. City terminal markets at the wholesalers. Prices are differentiated by the commodities’ growing origin, variety, size, package and grade.
Terminal reports are:
Onions and Potatoes Terminal Report
Misc. Tropical Fruits & Vegetables Terminal Report
Misc. Asian Vegetables Terminal Report
2. How much does a certain commodity weigh?
3. Why do I no longer receive a weekly newsletter in the mail anymore?
SCDA no longer mails the weekly livestock or fruit and vegetable newsletter, but our staff would be happy to add your email to our distribution list. The newsletter is posted online via the Market News page. To be added to weekly distribution list, please call 803-737-4497 or email kellie.taylor@usda.gov and provide your name and email address.