Jimmy Williamson, Milk Safety Director
117 Ballard Court
West Columbia, SC 29172
The Milk Safety & Compliance Department regulates all Grade A Dairy facilities in the state that produce, haul, process, package, and distribute milk and milk products.
Permit & Applications
- Grade A Milk Application for Permit – Apply for a permit for a Bulk Milk Hauler, Bulk Milk Tanker, Dairy Farm (Cow or Goat), Raw (Cow, Goat or Sheep) Dairy Farm, Milk Distribution Station, Milk Pasteurization Firm, or Single-Service Milk Containers and Closures Manufacturing Firm.
- Application for Permit to Import Milk and/or Milk Products – Apply for a permit to import Grade A Raw Bulk Milk for Pasteurization, Pasteurized Milk, and/or Milk Products into South Carolina.
Submit a complete and signed application to SCDA by following the instructions at the bottom of the form. Applications with blank fields and/or unsigned are incomplete and cannot be accepted.
Regulatory Information
- Regulation 61-34.1 – Pasteurized Milk and Milk Products
- Grade “A” Pasteurized Milk Ordinance
- Regulation 61-34 – Raw Milk for Human Consumption
Sample Inspection Reports
- Bulk Milk Hauler/Sampler
- Milk Tank Truck
- Dairy Farm & Raw Dairy Farm
- Milk Distribution Station
- Milk Pasteurization Plant
- Single-Service Milk Containers and Closures Manufacturing Firm
- United States Department of Agriculture
- Food and Drug Administration
- SCDA Food Safety Consumer Complaint System — This system may be used by consumers who believe a SC dairy product has caused the consumer or a family member to become sick or is in some other way endangering public health and safety or violating food safety laws.
- SCDA Food Safety & Compliance
- SCDA Retail Food Safety & Compliance
Related Topics
- Boil Water Emergencies
- Radiological Monitoring of Dairy Milk
- Food Poisoning – What To Do
- Foodborne & Waterborne Illnesses